Why You Need to GET OUT of the FEAR ZONE by Brain Power 2177

CoVid-19… uh oh… Schools are currently closed right now, restaurants, clothing, you know, there's a MASSIVE LOCKDOWN on the planet because of this virus. The only place that opens is our "NATURE". Come on, let's go to nature while others are in quarantine.

Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels

Seriously, we have a lot to talk about today. Because right now, feels like a little bit strange, right? The world is NOT the same anymore. Due to this outbreak, viruses (live update) are flying around while the planet is in lockdown. People are isolating, wearing masks, distancing, fearing the touch of other people. You know, people are screaming out loud. They're afraid, they're bored to death in quarantine.

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

But first, condolences go out to all people, the families, people who have been affected, personally by this Coronavirus Disease 2019 (CoVid-19). So many people have lost their lives and death toll is still rising. It saddened me. And you know, this is real, NOT a JOKE anymore. But still we must remain focus on what we put out to the world. Let's not spread fear. Let love guides us all. Medical staffs, thank you so much for taking care of all CoVid-19 patients. A great round of applause to all of you.

Now let's talk about fear again. Because a lot of people are still in a state of fear right now.  I can feel people's negative vibration. In my YouTube Channel, if you watch it, there are lots of motivational and inspirational videos. Because I'm spreading the positive vibration to the world. Because you know, FEAR is energy suckers. And guess what? THEY want you to be in FEAR. Fear is the lowest frequency in the Universe. By being in fear, THEY can easily CONTROL you. They can tell you to self-isolate, to stay indoor, to fear other people by social distancing, and YES YOU DO ALL THAT. There's nothing wrong with that.

But this tragedy is already predicted by the RULING ELITES. How scary! But in fact, this CoVid-19 is actually about the NEW WORLD ORDER. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. But why now? Because today is 2020 or let's say 20/20 vision. That means EVERYTHING IS CLEAR. 20/20 is about knowing WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Knowing that you are POWERFUL. But the thing is, they control you because you are so afraid that you can't think clearly. They use FEAR to control you. You have to spread LOVE so THEY will know that LOVE is the HIGHEST FREQUENCY in the Universe. Because God is LOVE. God is NOT fear. That's why all of us, His sons, are LOVE. Because love is the highest frequency in the Universe.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Many people are programmed by the media. Wash your hands, social distancing, lockdown, quarantine, WHICH IS A GREAT THING TO DO TO BEAT THIS VIRUS. But media, sometimes, cause you to FEAR of the unknown. The more you consume news, the more you become powerless. Media says to stay away from the crowd, again this is a great thing to do. But being afraid of other people is not a good thing. Discrimination is what we feel today. And those people behind this CoVid-19, this is what they want! To plant fear in our thoughts. They want you to treat other people as enemy. Seeing someone cough and you run away. People are afraid of other people. Where is the LOVE? I know you're afraid of being infected. And this is the reason why people CANNOT UNITE! It is easier for them to MANIPULATE PEOPLE.

UNITY is the only HOPE. Everybody needs to BOND together. I'm not saying unity in a physical way, but in a MENTAL, EMOTIONAL and SPIRITUAL lane. We need to UNITE AS ONE! They want us to be separated, they want us to be DIVIDED. POSITIVE ENERGY IS DECREASING RIGHT NOW. And the only way to beat this virus, is to INCREASE OUR VIBRATION and to INCREASE OUR FREQUENCY. But how? By getting out!!! I don't mean to roam around. What I mean by getting out is to GET OUT OF FEAR. GET OUT of that FEAR ZONE because they're KILLING YOU so easily. Viruses are real but your FEAR is an ILLUSION.  They created this virus, and then you're afraid, and then they're now controlling you without you knowing it. That's how they planned everything. THEY want a MASSIVE CONTROL. Get out of this situation. Show them you aren't scared because in reality, inside of you is the Universe FULL OF LIVING CELLS. But sadly, FEAR kills your body, KILLS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. When you stop worrying about this virus, EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR CONTROL. They planned to shock the world so when the time comes we're quarantined, and it happened already, these RULING OLIGARCHY are gonna CONTROL you even more. "Oh, I'm afraid." Please DON'T! You are powerful than them. Just don't bite their bait.

Photo by Nothing Ahead from Pexels

Please STOP FEEDING YOUR FEAR. Only watch the news once per day. STOP YOURSELF. Fear makes you weak. Your thoughts become your reality. If you're always thinking about this virus, you actually attract this into your life. THOUGHTS become THINGS. That's how powerful you are. By always in a state of fear, you started to feel like you've got a flu, But in fact, it's just your fear EATING you ALIVE.  You were not born to worry, you were born to fulfill your mission, to discover who you really are.

To be honest, CoVid-19 has a positive side. Because a lot of people are gonna eat veggies now. They know how to wash their hands, they spend quality time with their families, pollution put on halt, streets are clean, car accidents decrease, and so much more. And people are awakening to their greatness. Notice the change of this planet.

But this virus destruct the masses. But actually, before CoVid-19, WE humans are the virus. You see, we are living on the planet but not living in HARMONY with it. This is a wake up call, Brainies. To pay attention to our planet even MORE. This virus is not killing our planet, it's killing humans and maybe this our last chance to live.  "I don't wanna die." Then make sure your immune system is strong! You can do that by eating fruits and veggies NOT wild, exotic animals. Let's BOOST our immune system. Stop consuming junk foods. Once it's strong, then there's NOTHING to be afraid of. Virus is not our enemy. FEAR is. Fear is contagious. Beat it by passing around messages of hope and word of inspiration and everything is gonna be okay.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

You have the power within you. INSIDE of you is the Universe. This virus can't beat your positive cells. Because you are so powerful. You just don't know that because you're blinded by your fear. By the way, 1918 Flu killed 100 million people but CoVid-19 is not as dangerous as the Flu. Yes it can spread quicker than the Flu but it's not as dangerous as the Flu. CoVid-19 killing only 1%. You  have to do the research because KNOWLEDGE is POWER.





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